Maintaining a log fire can be quite difficult if it isn’t something you’re used to doing. However, it’s getting to that time of year when lighting fires adds to the ambiance of home life. Whether you’re inside or outside, there’s nothing like a roaring fire to create a cosy atmosphere. Additionally, lighting indoor fires is a good way to save on electricity bills too!

When To Add Logs to a Fire

Follow these steps to achieve a roaring log fire!

What You Need

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1. Selecting the Right Fuel

Selecting the right logs is imperative for a consistent and sustainable burn and high heat, creating a healthy fire at optimum heat. Kiln-dried hardwood logs are an ideal solution. Additionally, sustainable kindling wood sticks are perfect for starting the fire, adding extra heat and allowing the logs to catch. 

Generally, hardwoods such as birch, beech, ash, oak, and hornbeam are preferred over sappy softwood logs such as pine or spruce because they have a higher density and energy content and burn longer and cleaner. However, if you are using a wood-burning stove indoors, you could opt for wood burner logs, which are ideal for indoor stoves. 

When adding logs to a fire, it is important to keep the size and type of fuel in mind. Different types of wood burn at different rates, so it is important to choose the appropriate-sized logs and type of log for your fire. 

For a fire with higher heat output and a deep, golden-coloured flame, you could opt for premium hardwood logs.

2. Lighting the Fire

Once you’ve gathered the right fuel, it’s time to light the fire. Place your kindling and firelighters in the centre of your fireplace and light them carefully with a lighter or matches. Allow the pieces of kindling to catch until you have a steady flame burning.

3. Adding Logs

Once the kindling wood stack has caught, begin adding logs to your fire. Place smaller logs in a crosshatch formation on top of the burning kindling and make sure they are touching each other for maximum heat transfer. As the smaller logs catch fire, add larger logs to maintain an even burn.

4. Recognising Fire Signals

Paying attention to the visual appearance of your fire will help you determine the opportune moments to add logs and sustain the heat output. A dull, orange flame may suggest that your fire needs more fuel or better ventilation. Also, if the ash is piling up rapidly, it might suggest that the fire is not receiving enough oxygen.

4a. Disappearing flames

When you notice the flame starting to wane, it’s time to consider adding more logs. This ensures a consistent and comfortable heat output.

4b. Demised heat output

If you have noticed a heat drop, this would be a good time to add some more logs to your fire. If the heat has been dropping for a while, you may need to build your fire up gradually again with smaller logs placed on the fire first.

4c. Increased smoke

Increased smoke often means that your fire is lacking fuel. Adding Kiln Dried logs can help address incomplete combustion, reduce smoke and increase the efficiency of your fire.

4d. Increased crackling

A sudden increase in crackling may suggest that the current logs are nearing the end of their burn.

5. Adjusting the Heat Output

Larger logs generally produce more sustained heat. However, for immediate warmth, consider starting with smaller logs or kindling to kickstart the fire. 

A mix of hardwood logs and softwoods can give you a fire that is both lively and long-lasting. This way, you can enjoy the heat right away and for a longer time. You could also use an instant fire log, which is pre-soaked with top-quality organic lighting materials and plant wax and could also be used for barbecuing.

6. Burning Conditions

6a. Larger logs

For larger fire spaces, you may need larger pieces of wood or more logs to get the warmth you want. For smaller spaces, you may do better with smaller logs that are placed well and have good airflow. Logs that are well-dried, like seasoned wood or kiln-dried logs, have less moisture and burn hotter and cleaner. Burning wet wood is bad for the environment and can also cause chimney fires.

6b. Outdoor fires

Outdoor fires can be affected by the weather, especially the wind. Wind can change the direction and strength of the flames, which can be dangerous and make your fire less efficient. Wind can also blow sparks away, which can start fires in other places.

So, when you have an outdoor fire, you should check the weather and take caution when handling fires. Opt for putting the outdoor fire pit or the fire in a place that is protected from the wind, using a screen to stop the sparks, and having some water ready to put out the fire if you need to.

7. Safety Considerations

Safety should always be a top priority when adding logs to a fire. Make sure you are following the manufacturer’s guidelines for your fireplace and that proper ventilation is in place for indoor fires. Also, use caution when handling firelighters or any other flammable material, and keep combustible items and flammable liquids away from the fire.

Incredible Quality Softwood and Hardwood Logs From Green Olive Firewood UK

Trust Green Olive Firewood UK’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction for all your softwood and hardwood log needs. Whether you’re looking to sustain a warm and energy-efficient home or build the perfect campfire, Green Olive Firewood provides exceptional quality wood burner logs, hardwood logs, kiln-dried logs and more, ensuring that you are using the highest performing and sustainable logs on the market. Contact us today for any enquiries!

Looking to buy logs from an eco-friendly supplier you can trust? Order today and get FREE delivery on orders over £50!